My first near scale own design The AVRO 707....
These first Photo's are of some of my early scale builds & non scale.... Avro 707 built around Peter Millers 362 Delta wing Circa 1974 At RNAS Ford
And below on West beach Littlehampton Brian Wrights 362 is in black behind Dick Cobden , Myself & a very young Paul Brewer.. |
My very first Spitfire 63 inch span built from a Mick reeves kit Super Tigre 61 photo circa early 70s
on west beach Littlehampton ..
Above a pasadena special from a Plan by Paul Newell 40 size Pylon racer ... |
Early show line at Nat's Barkston Heath 1980s |
This photo taken at Dave Bishops Plumpton model show Circa late'70s Photo by Brian Schubert.. |
This T28 Trojan my first entry in clubmans scale At the BMFA nationals Built from the Pica Kit Enya 120r four stroke..
photo's by Bob Fletcher |
to the left David Knott & M/ R spitfire 1st place, My MidWest Harvard Supertigre 25 was the power plant best place 4th Clubman class
Spitfires my first FU-P TB863 Clubman 2nd place & then F4c entry ..... GZ -? was Clubman & 3rd place flying only..These are Mick Reeves 1/6th Scale semi Kits
Hawker Hurricane From Mick Reeves kit (modified) Enya 120f/s circa 2007/8 ..
photo's Bob Fletcher |

This is how the above hurricane looked before rebuild
Hurricane UPW R4118 Built from Dave Knotts Sketched Drawings At 1/6th scale. I won with this model the 2018 BMFA Nationals F4h competition held at Barkston heath |
cooling fan used on my Hurricane made by John Pace to fit the Laser 150 engine ..

Dakota at Brean sands Above.. my Dakota twin super Tigre 90s when I flew with the Arnhem model flight team founded in 1992 from left-right Les Eagle, Colin Hammond, Dave Knott , Standing Frank Hargrave (no1 Para at Arnhem was our leader), Pete Fullard, Mick Galvin & Keith Wright. pic North Weald Wings & wheels model show
The ESM T28 was my first artf purchased from YT international. at the nat's 2010, this model is powered by a Laser 200v I flew it in the flying Nat's only competition in 2011& placed 2nd. Top r/h photo shows the windsock normal windy Barkstone bank holiday conditions .. |
Below.. Black Horse models Westland Wyvern One being modified to stand off scale Both these models have put me on the podium in area & national competitions, powered by Laser 300V's 20x10 propellors ..

The modified artf B/H model Westland Wyvern 2017 above.. |
My current competition models std & reworked Westland Wyverns both have placed 2x2nd & 3rd
at Bmfa Nationals & 378 got a gold at a area comp 2017.. final photo myself & Dave Knott after the best flight (highest flight score of the class ) stand off scale 3rd 2015...both photo's Bob fletcher..
compare size of spinners making the white one for the above model below left hand carved blades left & right hand
Below my 20 cc Black Horse smaller version of the Wyvern mk 2 guise
Rcv sp 120 engine
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